I seem to be on a roll - two blog award nominations and now an autographed, advance copy of the Christmas anthology Christmas Gold by Cheryl St. John, Elizabeth Lane and Mary Burton. I entered my name for the draw on Cheryl's blog and forgot all about it. I just got the news that I won.
Tomorrow I'm gonna buy a coupla Lotto tickets, I swear.
That is good going and autographed copies are always nice to have :)
I hope your luck is contagious over the net.
I never won a raffle but I did win one of many door prizes at a school bazaar once. I won a pot spoon.
what's a pot spoon?
(Congratulations again!)
aka_lol, that's awful. Your mom probably appreciated the pot spoon, though.
Uh, Matt, y'know, those big spoons you cook with? For stirring the pot? You don't go near a kitchen, do you...
oh... i call those ladles.
Matt!?!! How dare you! You men are soooo spoilt!
hehehe... LADLES, with an "l." not "ladies" (though that would have been a great - albeit unintentional - chauvinistic remark)
(Actually I cook quite a bit. When I was a reporter, I even used to do the Cook of the Week column.)
LADLES? OMG! Talk about a Freudian slip on my part!
Matt, apologies are in order. *bowing and scraping*
Do you have a recipe for humble pie?
LOL. It's an easy mistake. I was really confused for a minute though. I thought maybe "ladle" was some form of Caribbean slander or something.
Then again, maybe it can be. I think I'll start using it as an insult in conversation. Then people will ask me what I'm talking about and I'll act like it's this awesome inside joke (which, of course, it is now). Muhahahahahaha!
Matt, rotflmao!!! I'll use it too...
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