Thanks to all who've visited the blog and commented over the last two weeks, and who are probably wondering where I got to. Well, my computer problem has become more convoluted; since two computers got blown, as well as one ac/dc adapter and the battery to a laptop (all within a relatively short time), they're telling me that there is either a problem with the supply of electricity to the house, or with the internal wiring. So I'm making do with library visits, internet cafes and such. Hopefully things will be back to what passes for normal around here pretty soon.
Yesterday I got the first call from my editor at Dorchester. Hurrah! Onward Ho! And such. Surprise! There are going to be edits. The agent didn't think that any revisions would be necessary, but thankfully I'd read that editors always want changes, so I was prepared.
Here's the thing: I'm eager to start those edits because everything the lady said made perfect sense. Okay, maybe I'll want to fight with her over some stuff when this cloud I'm floating on lets me off and I can think straight, but right now I can see the reasoning behind her comments, and I truly believe that going through this process with her will make for a better novel, and a better writer.
That rots about your computer, but is awesome about your book.
I bet it's even fun to get to blog about your people at Dorchester.
You have people. At Dorchester. AHHHH!
Fun stuff.
Glad to see you're still 'here' and bring on the edits:-) You're getting closer and closer to D Day!
I'm sorry to hear about your computer trouble, I was wondering how you were doing. It sounds like you have a great editor, who's focussed on getting the best story out of you, happy editing!
Ah, Kim. Yes, it's great that after years of preparation, I'm finally seeing things happening. And I intend to blog about every step of this journey.
Lane, D Day! Love that. I'll steal it, too...
PJ, yes, I've just read some of her comments and she is so meticulous and insightful that it's awesome. I'm eager to start, and at the same time there's this trepidation...
The computer problem sucks and I am sure you should have the wiring of your house checked by a competent electrician.
Nuff said about that.
I always assume the editor knows best and also knows what might sell better. Since it is your first book it would be wise to go along with the recommendations unless following the recommendation means writing something that sounds like science fiction rather than romance :)
You're editing! WooHoo! Soon you'll have galley's and ARC's. What an exciting process.
aka_lol, I'm also assuming that the editor knows best. And so far I'm impressed with her insights.
anti-wife, galleys! ARCs! I can hardly wait...
hey - congrats on getting the contract and reaching the stage of editing. Even if you have to fight them - such progress :-D
the adapter for my wireless routers always fail. I don't know why. The modem adapter died once too. And I figured it was the old wiring in my flat...or...the horrendous electricity supply in Guyana.
Chenette, thanks. Don't you just hate it when all these gadgets that are supposed to make life easier turn out to be ultra-sensitive and fail? And Guyana sounds an awful lot like Trinidad...
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