Couldn't stand it any more. I e-mailed my (absolutely wonderful) agent last night for a status report on the contract from Dorchester. This morning I found her response in my inbox. She has heard from the editor via e-mail that the contract is coming, so the deal is still in the works.
I'm okay now. The problem is it doesn't take very long for my stress-meter to start climbing back into the red zone. All I have to do is remember the post from that writer who had three verbal offers from publishers fall through in one year, and I'm off again.
Affirmation time. I. Won't. Obsess. Que sera, sera. I. Won't. Obsess. I... Wait a minute - affirmations shouldn't be couched in negative language. Scratch that. I. Will. Be calm. I. Will. Be positive. I...
Good luck with that non-stress stuff. Never works for me. I'm manic about every story I have out there. (The good thing about being universally stressed is everyone is so used to my bug-eyed stare and body tics they think that's my at-rest state. If I'm not physically on the ceiling they think I'm Stoicly calm.)
Hope you hear from the publisher soon. Congrats on on all you have accomplished. Look forward to reading more about your adventures.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
Kevin, you have a way of putting things... that's really funny... :) The non-stress stuff doesn't stick for long, but I have to try SOMEthing.
nyc/caribbean, thank you. It was my pleasure. Inspiring to find someone who not only likes things Italian, but is doing positive things about it like actually learning the language. Anything beyond 'gelato' and 'buon giorno' and I'm lost.
I admire writers, especially the ones who are published, or being published - congratulations!
I like this blog already :)
aka_lol, thank you. I like yours too.
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