Thank you, JJ. And the cherry on top: I can pass on this award to no fewer than ten deserving bloggers. I nominate the following - some of my favourite people from some of my favourite places in the blogosphere: Kim, Kaz, aka_lol, Anti-wife, Chumplet, Pacha, PJ, Lane, Nyc/caribbean ragazza, Lucy Diamond... Oops! I've gotten to ten and I still have several more to add...
I had to delete some people I've passed on awards to before. Next time, guys. As for you, Liz Fenwick! After seeing those fabulous photos from your frolicking time in the Maldives I decided that if I left you out of this awards ceremony it would just about serve you right. :)
Oooooh thank you Liane. Can I nominate you back? How does that work? Well, I don't care. I'm going to anyway!
THANK YOU! This award has gone and put me in a filthy good mood too. Shall annoy everyone with my happiness now!
oh! that's a cool one. me likes the video game inspired design.
And a huge sloppy kiss from me!
Wow! Thanks. I'm really honored. This is great. Hugs all around!!!
Hey! Super! Hugs, my cyber pal!
This is my week for blogger friends treating me right == thanks Liane!
Thank You! Thank You! It is an honor and a privilege to be considered so highly in this crowded world of blogs :)
That's a pleasure Liane. Ha ha about the Liz comment, though. I'm sure she's just dragged to the Maldives, totally unwillingly!
I too am deeply envious of Liz. Snot fair!
Pacha, you're very welcome - and you can go right ahead and nominate me back! Can't have too much of a good thing...
Matt... Eh? Video game inspired design? I'm lost - will have to get my son to explain this to me... :)
Kaz, here's a sloppy one back at ya!
Anti-wife, ooh, I'm enjoying this. Kisses and hugs too!
Chumplet, me like hugs!
Kim, you're welcome! Can't tell you how many times my blog buddies have made my day!
Akalol, thank you, too!
JJ, I wish someone would drag me to the Maldives...
Zinnia, not fair at all! Those photos! Paradise!
It was paradise and I want to be back there NOW!!!! The photos were just so I could share the experience with you :-)
Thanks so much, Liane!
Thank you Liane. I've been spoilt this week .....but not as much as Liz!
Liz, thanks for sharing! That place is unbelievably beautiful!
You're welcome, PJ and Lane!
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