Today marks one whole year since I started this blog, and how the time has flown! I created Wordtryst on June 24th 2007 but did not make it public until around two weeks later. I added the ClustrMap widget late in August and it now stands at more than 17,000 hits, with close to 1,600 views of my Blogger profile page! Cool, even if you discount the fact that many of those hits/views were... ahem... mine. :)
It's been great. Thank you to all who visited, all who commented, all who edified and entertained me, who have been walking beside me on my journey to publication, and all who just dropped by to say hi. Your support has been wonderful! With the release of Café au Lait just two and a half months away, I'll continue to post about the ups and downs of this odyssey - with maybe the occasional rant thrown in!

Happy blog birthday and to many more!
Happy blogversary!!
Happy blogbirthday Liane, thanks for having us.
happy anniversary...or birthday :-) whichever you prefer!
Happy blogbirthday to you.
Looking forward to reading Cafe au Lait too.
Congratumalations! It's been a pleasure getting to know you :o)
It would have been nicer if the blog birthday and the book's birthday were the same. But still they are like twins born one year apart :)
A big celebration is in order and an even bigger congratulations to one of my favorite blogs of all time :)
congratulations Wordtryst! I've just realised I forgot my one year anniversary!
Happy Blogiversary, Lynn! May you blog happily through many bestsellers!
Thank you, everyone. It's been great having you along.
I can't believe a year already -- it still seems like "exciting new blog friend" phase in my mind.
I remember when you first started blogging and talked about your hesitency in coming out of lurk mode -- I'm so glad you did!
Love your writing, your thought provoking posts, Hunk of the Month,featured authors and the vicarious thrills along the snail path to getting published.
Sorry that I'm so late to the party, but I'd like to wish you a happy blog day. I hope you continuing blogging for a very long time. It's been great to vicariously enjoy your journey to being a published author.
Kim, the year has flown, hasn't it? Thank you for the feedback about the blog. I enjoy yours too, especially the vignettes about your family and your creative work. And the photos!
Thank you, PJ. It's been great having you along.
Happy Bloggiversary!
So sorry I'm late but so glad you are blogging!
Thank you, Anti-wife. I'm glad you are too.
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