I don't know his name, but he's featured on the Calendrier Paysan 2009 calendar and the photo stopped me in my tracks. Comme il est délicieux! Just look at him - driving a big power tool, all sweaty and dirty, doing man-stuff. Don't you just want to take him inside and give him a shower? Mais oui! **fans herself frantically at the thought** He can be my lead character's love interest any day!

And here's Chris Evans, whom I recognize from the movie Cellular and who's currently starring in the sci-fi movie Push. My teenage niece thinks he's super-cute. Well, guess what, Chicken? So do I! Wanna star in my novel, Chris?
Ooh, I say! Maybe I can conjure up a couple of walk on parts in my novel for those lovely gentlemen :o))
Oh Chris Evans, mmmhhhmmmm. I first came across him in (ahem) The Nanny Diaries with Scarlett Johansson. He plays 'Harvard Hottie.' OH MY, hottie indeed...
Hi, recent follower of your blog, first time commenting.....
Just finished your book! Love it! Am Guyanese with Trini friends n' what not, so your book was especially delicious for me (yup..i sure did say delicious lol).
Hunk of the month:
Just saw Push and Chris Evans really needed to take his shirt off in that movie lol.. do you think i can get that picture you posted as a poster? ^_^
Ohh, yum. Thanks for those pics.
I see how you romance novelists work now -- it's all about the research.
Phew! The top hunk better keep an eye on that power tool:-)
Karen, it can't hurt, can it! :)
JJ, 'Harvard Hottie'? Okay, I'm going to get that film...
Hi Ola, and welcome to the blog! Good to find another reader from this neck of the woods! So glad you enjoyed the novel - I love hearing from readers! Chris Evans did not take his shirt off in Push? That's just criminal!
Debs, you are so welcome! And thank you for introducing me to that Armitage feller! ;)
Kim, it's just cold, clinical research. **cough, cough!**
Lane, LOL! Yeah, and I noticed he isn't using protective eye gear either! Talk about getting hung up on details! Must be a writer thing.
cor - that;'s cheered up my afternoon no end!
Y'know I love your blog, kid, but sometimes I can't help feeling I'm not your target audience....
Flowerpot, anytime! :)
KeVin, lol! Of course you are, only not for hunks of the month. Just look the other way when I post the poster boys...
Some men have to acquire a big power tool while others are born with it.
Give him a couple years and he will be out of gas ;)
akalol, you just reminded me of the time I was horrified by reading a physiological statistic until I realized I'd mistaken "circumference" for "diameter" .....
akalol & KeVin, you really shouldn't make me cackle out loud like that when I'm in the office allegedly, um, working... :)
KeVin, a TV is sized by its diagonal which is the longest dimension. So, always use the longest dimension since it sounds more impressive and attracts more viewers.
... and don't mention you're using centimeters ...
Okay, boys, stop that right now!
Yes, ma'am.
(But you started it by posting hunks.)
Hmm, recently I have read real men with hairy chests in loose lumberjack shirts are totally out...I am glad it's not true! :)
Take care
KeVin, if I post Salma Hayek in a bikini, will you guys behave?
mls gta, you heard what? Not in my book they aren't! :) Thanks for stopping by.
I always behave, Liane.
(I just don't always behave well.)
In either case, please do not post any females on my account -- this is your blog.
On the hairy man question, working in an office with several women, all younger than I, I hear about this all the time. (Old men being pretty much furniture in this environment.) Hairless is evidently in with the 20-30 set. One recently married was complaining that her new husband refused to have his chest waxed. The group launched into a general denouncement of body hair and I -- humming loudly -- fled.
(In case anyone was wondering: I spring from Carpathian peasant stock; my ancestors were hunted for their pelts.)
KeVin, LOL! Are they trying to strip every last remnant of the cave from men?
(That woman in your office should watch the scene in 40 Year Old Virgin where the actor Steve Carell has his chest waxed - for real! Would she really want to put her poor husband through that?)
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