This blog is now three months old, and I'm celebrating! It's been a great run.
What made it really special is knowing that I'm not blogging in a vacuum, that people, both friends and strangers, take time out of their busy lives to come here, read, comment, and offer encouragement. Thank you all! I'm constantly amazed by the kindness of total strangers. You'd never think it from watching the news, but the world is just full of goodness.
When I click on the little visitor map on the right I get a warm feeling of connectedness to people all over the world, people who have one thing (at least) in common: love for the written word. No wonder I'm hooked on this blogging thing...
Don't you love the world map? Blogging is the best thing that ever happened to my knowledge of geography.
And I'm so glad you started blogging, you are one of my favorites -- I love your mix of the casual with the enriching and thoughtful.
Congratulations on three months. I'm hooked too. Blogging makes the world smaller but life much larger (if that makes sense?)
Congratulations and thanks for blogging!
I've become adicted to blogging, too. I've tried to make it a tool of self discipline by writing something of interest every day (though that "of interest" is dangerously subjective.) But the truth is, I enjoy the sense of world connection so much I suspect a large portion of my discipline is really an excuse to indulge.
I enjoy your blog.
(And I'm glad to see you back. Does this mean the computer is fixed?)
A turtle can live for a hundred years but a blog can live forever. Long live Wordtryst.
I am addicted to blog commenting and I often think of it as my true calling so, without great blogs like this I would be like a ship without a rudder , a chicken without a neck, a politician without a bribe.
Blog is all that matters and it's a wonderful thing. Keep on blogging :)
Thank you, kim. Your positive feedback means a lot. I enjoy reading your blog too. And that little map-thingy (which I stole from kaz) is just incredible.
Lane, you make perfect sense.
You're welcome, anti-wife, and thank you too for blogging.
Kevin, I enjoy yours too. And that world-connectedness is like amphetamines to me. As for the computer problem, I've been avoiding mentioning it because... they're telling me the mother board is kaput, and a new one costs many, many cowrie shells. So I'm still snitching my son's laptop whenever I can, and screaming and banging my head against the walls when I can't. Oops. There I go. Too much information.
aka_lol, I particularly like the reference to politicians... heh heh. [How do you handle the current pre-election overkill? It's great theatre, isn't it? I look at it that way to preserve what's left of my sanity.] You flatter my blog, but go ahead, I love it. And I'm grateful to those addicted to commenting on blogs; I'd hate to be blogging into the void. The comments are what make this so much fun.
Congratulations, WordTryst. You're a much more consistent blogger than I. Keep it up.
Let me know when you figure out how to blog comment professionally. We can tour together.
Thank you, Matt.
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