Now, to get back to the serious business of this blog: hunks! [Warning: if you're a heterosexual male, you might want to bypass this post! :) ]

Taye Diggs' sizzles onscreen. He just has that 'something'. Remember the bathroom scene in Stella? Or the scene where he's dancing with Nia Long in The Best Man? Hot!!!

He sings (he was Benny in the Original Broadway Cast of Rent and reprised his role in the film). He’s conquered film (How Stella Got Her Groove Back, Chicago, The Wood, Brown Sugar, and my personal favourite, The Best Man). He starred on TV’s Kevin Hill, and did several smouldering turns on Ally McBeal. Add to all of that one of the sexiest bodies ever to be captured on screen, and a 1,000 watt smile.
Here's a dirty little secret. I stumbled across a link to a nude photo of Taye. Anyone who's seen The Wood (I hated that movie) will remember the guys bathing nude in the garden after Taye's character threw up over everyone. We saw Taye's back view in that scene. The link I found shows the full frontal. Heh. Heh!
You can always use Photoshop to flip an image 180 degrees to get a full frontal or full behind shot - I wish :)
akalol - man, if wishes were horses...!!! :)
I can't picture what he looks like in a shirt anymore -- I didn't know all of this was under there.
Nice investigative post here -- thanks.
Kim, it was my pleasure! :)
LOVE that smile!
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