Best Wishes to All for a Very Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year!
This blog is celebrating its sixth month, and special thanks go to all who visited: the regulars; the lurkers; those who dropped by once, or twice; the new friends and the old ones. You have made a special contribution to my blog, and my life.
To my old friends Dion and Vaughn: thanks for taking the time out of your busy lives to visit. (Vaughn, what's with the Mr. Anon business? There, you're outed.)
To my new blog buddies: thanks for all the discussion, the feedback, the laughter, the encouragement, the empathy, the stimulation and information I get from your comments and from reading your blogs.
This blog is celebrating its sixth month, and special thanks go to all who visited: the regulars; the lurkers; those who dropped by once, or twice; the new friends and the old ones. You have made a special contribution to my blog, and my life.
To my old friends Dion and Vaughn: thanks for taking the time out of your busy lives to visit. (Vaughn, what's with the Mr. Anon business? There, you're outed.)
To my new blog buddies: thanks for all the discussion, the feedback, the laughter, the encouragement, the empathy, the stimulation and information I get from your comments and from reading your blogs.
Happy to be your blog buddy. I enjoy our little visits.
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to you. I love your blog; long may it continue.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year and thank you for posting fun stuff and giving me things to read when I should be working! :)
So pleased to be along for the joyous ride.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to you!
Merry Christmas !!!
I am always thankful that Christmas is not just on the 25th of December but a whole season ending when the last Pepto bottle is drained of its last drop :)
Merry Christmas, Wordtryst!
Yes, here's to a good 2008.
--Jason and Aine
How could you out me girl? And not only do you expose me but you put all my business a click away for everyone to see. Hmm...If there are any serious repercussions, I will have to deal with you sternly :)
So now you know I keep my tabs on you.....
Happy New Year Liane - I was glad to discover your blog :-)
Hope you had a lovely Christmas. I have so enjoyed reading your posts...Hope you too have a fantastic 2008!
Kevin, so do I.
PJ, many happy returns, and I love your blog too!
Matt, you're welcome, and it's mutual! Reading your blog is so much more fun than, y'know, working.
Anti-wife, same here. Looking forward to reading all about your holiday.
aka_lol, please, please don't mention the food! I have sinned...
Thank you, Jason and Aine, I'll toast to that!
Anon, I'm trembling in my shoes... How stern is stern? Do you spank?
Chennette, ditto here. Love the foody posts, love the travel to exotic places!
Pacha, I enjoy yours too. Especially the ones about that sexy policeman...
Cheers, everyone!
Happy New Year!
I'm so glad you decided to blog -- your's is one of my favorites. I think you are a neat person and I like your style.
Thank you so much, Kim. That means a lot to me. A little validation goes a long way! I enjoy yours too!
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